Beyond the Porch Swing

Session 3 with Sadie Robertson

Sadie is an amazing young woman whose head and heart are in tune with God.  Her manner, cuteness, and relevancy had the students soaking up her words like dry sponges in water. Sadie used the “like” on social media as an example of the difference between human love and God’s love for us.

We live in a “like” world.  Depression skyrockets because people today are basing their identity and value on how many “likes” they receive, and followers they have on their social media posts.  If people know me they won’t like me is a haunting fear. A false persona is adapted in order to gain “likes”, and hurts and insecurities are hidden. A cycle is created, festering a continual dissatisfaction inside.
As an example, Sadie shared her dating to marriage story.  The “I really like you” best personality forward stage, lasted months till a date night gone wrong  moved their relationship forward. Seeing each other’s open, vulnerable character created an opportunity for unconditional commitment ushering in “love you” .

God’s different.

God doesn’t need time to like us. Before He created us He knew everything about us (Psalm 139). He knew our strengths and weaknesses, our good and bad. There’s nothing we can do to surprises Him. God went straight to “I love you”. His love doesn’t change. His love isn’t dependent on what we’ve done or will do.
God’s love for us is complete! His love is complete because He is complete!

Our search for love leads on a roller coaster of insecurity. We start things and stop things because we’re putting our value on others response to us. When we realize that our need is only fulfilled in Jesus, we can stop looking.  Why? 

“When you find the desire of your heart, you don’t have to look anymore.”

Where or from whom am I getting my value?
Am I seeking a “like” rather than an avenue to share the truth of Jesus?


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